Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine can be Very Effective for Allergy Relief

Posted by on September 11, 2017 in Blog | 0 comments

Santa Fe and Eldorado were fortunate to have more abundant rain this spring and early summer, but with the rain came prolific growth of allergy triggering vegetation. There are multiple reasons why someone may be affected by these allergens, and if you are a new resident of New Mexico you may be experiencing allergies for the first time. Many of my patients who are suffering from allergies this season have found relief with acupuncture and other Oriental Medicine treatments.

Not everyone has allergies, but those who do often attribute plants, animals or food for their allergies. Is it truly the fault of these plants, animals or food that a reaction occurs when coming in contact with them? No reason to run in terror at the sight of ragweed, or blame grandmother’s cat for making you sneeze.

So, then why do some people have an allergic reaction to pollen and or food and others have no reaction? I don’t believe a simple answer can be found. Some researchers claim that a compromised immune system is the cause of an allergic reaction. While others claim that the cause of your allergies is a hyperactive immune system. Years of treating patients who have experienced allergy symptoms has shown me that strengthening the immune system and balancing the overall energetics (physical and psychological) of the patient greatly reduces or alleviates their allergy symptoms.

The psychological as well as physical stress we may experience daily can accelerate the weakening of our immune systems. Because we all respond to life differently it is important to determine the root cause of your physical or emotional stress. If only the symptoms are addressed and the root (compromised immune system) is ignored the symptoms will continue. Therefore, the symptoms and root must be treated or the allergies will continue. This is true of most physical or psychological conditions.

Feel free to call for a complementary phone consultation: 505.466.2766

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